Our chats are meant mainly for users 16+ the minimum age limit per room is set upon registration. (kids chat and teen chat is for users 13-17! ONLY)

Chat History

Your chat history is saved for as long as it is on your screen. When you clear your history, it is removed from our database. All remote backups of our databasse are strongly encrypted and only kept for two weeks before being deleted. If a backup is performed while your chat history is active it will be archived for no longer than two weeks in a secure location.


If you upload images to the website, you should avoid uploading images with embedded location data (EXIF GPS) included. Visitors to the website can download and extract any location data from images on the website.

All uploaded files are permanently erased from the server after approximately 24 hours. (profile images are the only exception)


Our chat uses cookies to help identify who is logged in. We recommend our uses chat in a private window to avoid long time storage of cookies.

Shared Data

No data on this site is ever shared for any reason with any third party. We do maintain two weeks of regular strongly encrypted backups that cannot be accessed by unauthorized users.

Information may be shared with law enforcement when it is legally required, and if a proper subpoena for the information is provided by an agency in the appropriate jurisdiction.

How long we retain your data?

Removed content is deleted immediately.

Wall posts and room content are maintained for a week unless they are removed.

Private messages are maintained for 7 days, or until you delete them.

What rights you have over your data

You have the right to request deletion of your account at any time. The request can be filed in your chat profile, using the delete account link. Account deletion takes 7days to perform.


If it is determined that you have abused our terms or attacked our site or its reputation, then you agree to give up all rights to privacy on this site. We reserve all rights to use your information to defend from any attack you may carry out on us.


This website follows the EU General Data Protection Regulation And Australian Privacy Principles.
You have a right to request your data at anytime to be deleted full from our server, or data we may have about you